Friday, September 11, 2009


Late at night, when I can't sleep, I sometimes read his blog. The one with the halitosis. The one with the twin bed and the artsy, smoky roommates. Him. And I wonder how it is that a man who had breath like an unflushed toilet, a man who expressed fear of soup and who had never eaten a strawberry before I fed one to him, I wonder how a man like that can have a girlfriend when I'm alone.

And I look at pictures of the other one. The one who called me a whore because he was terrified I'd write about him. The last guy who kissed me. I wonder if he's the last guy ever. I really hope not.

What have I learned? Tall isn't a good personal quality. Nice isn't enough. I need to remember to brush my tongue.

It's something, no?


Anonymous said...

May I just make an observation? You're too smart. Men probably find you intimidating. I have a daughter with the same problem. She is smart!, funny, personable, nice looking and she showers daily. She's never been arrested and has a good job. She has the same problem as you. I'm in no way suggesting that you should dumb yourself down as I wouldn't do that to my daughter. What's the answer? I wish I knew. My daughter turns 40 in November and her clock is ticking!

Rebecca Golden said...

I don't know that I have a clock. Or, if I do, I forgot to replace the batteries, and it's in a drawer someplace.

Men are whatever they are. I wish I knew what that was, but...nope. I don't know where to meet them. And I live in a town where most of the guys love hunting, NASCAR and Jesus (possibly in that order). While either A or B doesn't bother me if the guy has other things going on, C is kind of a deal breaker in one way or the other (they don't like me. My daddy was a Jew and I'm areligious).

So. I don't know if I should look. I am kind of burned out an people who tell me to be more confident. Maybe it'll all be revealed. A friend of mine wrote that you shouldn't expect "to touch the sky with both hands". He had something there.