Monday, December 6, 2010

Money Shot? NOT!!!

I have an essay on Salon's front page! Totally thrilled. Of course, the not my favorite. I've been lucky with that kind of thing. I especially love the paper doll illustration from the first thing I wrote for them and the teddy for my Nerve sex thing. Of course, the cover art on the book....wellllll.....yeah. Not my favorite thing in the world.

So the kid's eating ice cream, not getting the wrong kind of facial.

But, more to the point: YAY!


Anonymous said...

Ever think of publishing your book on the Kindle? I went looking at Amazon after reading your article on Salon but the book itself isn't even offered in the US, at least not on their first search page.

My wife has fought with her weight her whole life, I think she'd like to read your story. Any chance you can publish it digitally for the rest of us?

Reese said...

I read your Salon piece this morning and was probably staring openmouthed at the screen the whole time - not because I didn't know what cruelty kids are capable of, but because I do. It brought back a flood of memories from elementary school on. Thank you for writing this; it makes me sad for our twelve-year-old selves that this bullying wasn't stopped by the people who should have protected us.

Call me a cynic, but bullying/discrimination because of weight is one of the last societally acceptable prejudices, and I don't see that changing anytime soon. Even as recently as a few years ago, a former lover wrote some really nasty stuff about my weight to a mutual friend (which was especially perplexing, because if he found me so disgusting, why would he have behaved the way he did toward me?)

Anyway: it was a good article, if very difficult to read. I look forward to reading your book, if I can find it.

Anonymous said...

Great article, I lived it too, all the way down to the Catholic School uniform. I used to write in a journal called "CONFESSIONS OF A NON-PERSON". Amazing, if I hadn't been so afraid of going to hell I would have taken steps to say goodbye. Today I am happy, healthy, (relatively) and sane. The teasers are all living their lives in high school and I am a grown up.

karmie said...

Rebecca, I would like to email you. Can you send me a PM with your address, if you don't mind? Thank you! -Crystal

Paula said...

Read your Salon article today. It was very moving. Bookmarked your blog - happy to have found it.

Jessica Seigel said...


It's a GREAT, great piece. Sharp powerful writing and key point that bullying and cruelty aren't new.


Anonymous said...

Great article, Rebecca. This article brought me back to my own experiences in school. I wish I had had your "aura of toughness" that you described in your Salon article "My Big Fat Obnoxious Self". I have struggled with self-esteem and body image issues well into my adult life - it is only now that I am confronting them.

Thank you for sharing your experiences with us. Though we felt so at the time, it turns out, neither of us was alone in our struggle.

Rebecca Golden said...

Thanks, everyone! I need to rig the blog to accept mail, although it never occurred to me that I'd hear from so many people.

My book is at and costs about $20 including shipping. We're working on getting it sold here, too -- what would likely happen would be that I'd rework the whole thing and about half of the book would be entirely different from the UK version. Working title on it is Bulletproof Cherry, and my agent is doing her best to get it sold.

The whole Uk thing is confusing, but after my first Salon piece, I sold an essay to the Times of London, and Random House UK approached me as a result. I'll have to actually go to England someday :) Visit the book in the remainder pile of a shop.

Thanks again -- I will try to remember to blog, I swear.