Wednesday, October 22, 2008

February 5, 2009!

Butterbabe comes out on February 5, 2009.  So far, the blessed event will occur solely in the UK.  I have hopes of a US sale.  Many excellent publishers are reading the book, so we'll see what happens.

If you're not familiar with my little tale of woe (and joy and childhood and a dogs uterus that one time) this should give you an idea of what you're in for in three short months: 

I wish this looked more professional.  Sadly, I'm a writer, not an HTML person.  I know HTML is super easy and I'm sure I'll pick it up sooner or later, but it's neither sooner nor later so here we are.

The process of writing a book held surprises for me at virtually every turn.  Writing the first draft was surprisingly simple.  Revising the manuscript eight or nine times was not.  We've just finished the first UK proof.  While I think I'm finished reading the book, I probably am not.  I've read my own book a good eight times now.  I like it.  You will, too, I hope.  But you can just read it the once, and I think that'll make it a more enjoyable experience.

Welcome to my book blog.  If you have any writing or publishing questions, I'll try to answer them, time permitting.

1 comment:

Paul said...

Awesome! I'm glad you decided to start one. It's long overdue. You are a fantastic writer with lots of things to share, why not share it with the world?